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About the Artist

I often feel like a passenger in my own life, with pivotal points along the way...

Some appropriate events:

b 1957 Nairobi Kenya
Went to Taunton and Wolverhampton Art Colleges, graduated in 1979
1979-1985 some principal open exhibitions that my work was chosen for:

Stowells Trophy, the Royal Academy of Art
Northern Young Contemporaries, Whitworth Art Gallery
The Hayward Annual Open Drawing
Midland view Two (touring)
Cleveland (UK)6th International Drawing Biennale (touring)
Mid- Art Dudley Art Gallery
Helios Pictures , Birmingham
Ikon Gallery drawing and the figure , Birmingham (touring)

During this period received funding from West Midlands Arts, joined a group studios, exhibited widely throughout the UK. Works were sold in the UK to private and public collections and featured in national newspaper and magazine articles.


1985 moved from the Midlands to London. Renovated a house, travelled, married and had two children.
2000 moved to live in Arkengarthdale as a family.
2010 rented studio unit 9 Reeth, exhibited locally selling works in the UK and overseas.
2019 Studio was flooded, resulting in a large loss of drawings and materials.
2020 re opened the studio and resumed work on a full time basis, running workshops, exhibiting in group and solo shows and commissions.


Whether centre stage or in the wings creativity has been my companion all these years and the life force which still guides me.

Jane Ellis Drawings

Jane Ellis
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